Fraunhofer UMSICHT and Chiba University to cooperate
The proportion of the urban population is growing steadily and thus the challenge of a sustainable food supply. In future, German and Japanese researchers want to cooperate more closely in the development of new technologies for urban horticulture.
December 2016
Start of the scientific advice, participation and business model development for the project »Altmarktgarten« ->Dates
March 3th 2016
»Forschungsdialog Zukunftsstadt – von der Vision zur Realität« at Fraunhofer UMSICHT ->Dates
January 27th 2016
»Green Future – Cities Need New Product Choices« -> Dates
October 29th 2015
UMSICHT as referee at the Chamber Noth Rhine- Westphalia meeting -> Dates
October 22th 2015
UMSICHT: Zur Sache! Licht + Umwelt + Prozesse -> Dates
June 10./11. 2015
Congresse »Grün in der Stadt« -> Dates
»Begrünung und Pflanzenproduktion im und um das Gebäude«, at 7th inHaus forum »Urbanisierung«
5th November 2015
Lecture of »Innovative Lebensmittel heute für morgen.» at »Die Zukunft auf dem Tisch«, meeting at
29th October 2015, Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia
UMSICHT: Zur Sache! Licht + Umwelt + Prozesse
22nd October 2015, Fraunhofer UMSICHT Oberhausen
Congress »Grün in der Stadt – Für eine lebenswerte Zukunft« Organizer: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit und das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft 10th -11th June 2015 at the academy of the arts, Berlin
UMSICHT: Zur Sache! Workshop with the topic greening in urban space 27th November 2014, 2 – 5 pm, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen
Fair euregia, Local and Regional Development in Europe
27th & 29th October 2014, Leipzig
Economic congress Leipzig, whole-time congress on the issue regional economy in Saxony. »GLOBAL – REGIONAL – EGAL?«
October 12th Leipzig
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1st Entrepreneur Forum Agrobusiness Nettetal »eine starke Zukunft« June 17th 2013, Nettetal
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Status conferenz »sustainable land management«
April 17th -19th 2013, Berlin
BMBF-Workshop »Urban/Vertical Farming«
March 21th – 22nd 2013, Berlin
Town planning, restoration and new building market, green city for the target market Norway
November 13th 2012, Oslo
TELI Munich at PresseClub München e.V, growing vegetables on terraces October 23rd 2012, Munich
Euregia – Leipzig Trade fair
October 22nd – 24th 2012,
Leipzig Eschborn expert days – A symposium
June 05th/06th 2012, Eschborn
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Urban horticulture – expert discussion
April 16th 2012, Braunschweig
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Agriculture in an urbanizing society
April, 1st – 4th 2012, The Netherlands